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Create Your Own Rice Bowl
Create Your Own Rice Bowl
Choice of Protein | CYO Rice Bowl:No Protein Chorizo Steak Chicken
Choice of Salsa | CYO Rice Bowl:Pico de Gallo Chickpea Salsa Pineapple Salsa Corn Salsa
Toppings | CYO Rice Bowl:Red Beans Black Beans Cheddar Cheese Tortilla Strips Guacamole +$2.49Avocado +$1.99Lettuce Wonton Strips
Sauce | CYO Rice Bowl:Cilantro Lime Red Sauce Creamy Avocado
Extra Toppings | CYO Rice Bowl:Chicken +$1.99Steak +$2.49Chorizo +$2.49Pico de Gallo +$0.75Chickpea Salad +$0.75Pineapple Salsa +$0.75Corn Salsa +$0.75Cheddar Cheese +$0.50Lettuce +$0.50Black Beans +$0.50Red Beans +$0.50Tortilla Strips +$0.50Wonton Strips +$0.50Avocado +$1.99Guacamole +$2.49
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